Spiritual Restoration Programs:
Although we are promised victory over the world, even by our faith (1John 5:4), many Christians often feel as though the enemy is “eating their lunch” on a regular basis. Even born-again Christians are subject to the consequences of their sins and the generational iniquities inherited from their ancestors that can create legal grounds to the enemy’s attacks (Exodus 20:3-6, Deuteronomy 28:15-68).
Spiritual restoration programs can help to identify and break spirit and soul issues that keep us from living the abundant life that Jesus promised (John 10:10). These recurring issues and attacks are frequently based upon legal footholds that we or our ancestors have given to the enemy, ungodly beliefs that have us agreeing with the lies of the enemy (idolatry) and offenses and hurts that prevent us from receiving God’s healing. These issues, if not addressed, can create an open door for the enemy to wreak havoc in both our personal and business lives.
These spiritual cleansing programs are designed to identify where we have deviated from God’s Word and His plans and “close the doors” to keep the enemy outside of our blood covenant right to protection and prosperity in our personal and business lives. This will ensure that we are walking in the fullness of the blessings promised in the New Covenant.
Client Testimony
I truly believe that in order for business owners to operate effectively for such a time as this, cutting edge business intercessors are not only recommended, they’re essential.