About Business His Way
Jeff Ahern
President Co-founder
Jeff Ahern is co-founder of Business His Way, Inc., an executive coaching firm that helps business leaders succeed and achieve their personal and corporate vision and goals by using Biblical, Spirit-led solutions. Jeff and his team come alongside Christian CEOs and business leaders and serve in a role that can best be described as a combination of business intercessor, prophetic voice, and business advisor. The company helps business owners to fulfill their God-given vision and assignment as marketplace ministry leaders through services that include intercessory prayer, strategic planning, mentoring, employee counseling, spiritual deliverance ministry, and business networking.
A born-again, Spirit-filled Christian, Jeff has been walking with the Lord since 1985 and has been involved in providing management consulting and professional services to Fortune 500 and Government clients for over twenty years. He is a former Naval Officer, and has been involved as an owner and leader of several technology services businesses and is certified as a PMI Project Management Professional. Jeff has served as both a Trustee and Board member for several non-profit and for-profit organizations.
“Jeff Ahern is a man of wisdom. His leadership skills and wisdom go beyond the ordinary to bring a seasoned approach to bear on the senior decision-making process. His special anointing and insight for identifying and unraveling deep-seated, entangled issues attest to his unique ability to assess and navigate change. His quiet-spoken competence and strength enables his planning, coaching and strategy development talents to become a natural and integral part of team efforts that yield results.” Morris Ruddick, Global Initiatives Foundation.
Jeff and Judy Ahern are available to speak at your Christian business event, church group, or organization where all aspects of Kingdom business, prayer, intercession, and more are the topics. We teach practical application, emphasizing prayer, intercession, and spiritual impartation.
Judy Ahern
Vice President
Judy co-founded a ministry in the early 80’s and taught principles of spiritual warfare and pioneered prayer walking efforts. She organized and led community-wide concerts of prayer, youth prayer breakfasts, and early morning prayer watches which resulted in dramatic changes in her city and many people turning their hearts to the Lord.
While living in Washington, Judy founded The Prayer Embassy and helped lead many prayer efforts in the DC area. She worked with a team of intercessors providing onsite coverage for senators and congressmen, assisting visiting prayer teams, leading watch nights, and keeping vigil around the White House and Capitol.
When introduced to Business His Way and the joys of marketplace ministry, Judy found a new passion in praying for business and ministry leaders. In her role as Director of Intercession, she has counseled and prayed with a wide variety of leaders including building contractors, electrical engineers, IT companies, manufacturers, political candidates, faith-based organizations and much more.
She is a gifted seer and moves comfortably in the prophetic gifts. She also has a depth of knowledge in all facets of prayer and intercession. This has enabled her to offer wise counsel from her years of experience with marketplace leaders and prophetic intercession that can break strongholds, uncover solutions to complex problems, avoid crises, and recover true purpose and identity.
After 17 years as a widow, Judy recently married Jeff Ahern, the owner and founder of Business His Way. They now reside in Charlotte, North Carolina. Judy is the author of 2 books, World-Class Intercessors, and Grace on Trial. Both are available through Amazon under her former name, Judy Sullivan.
Judy believes that God is sending His Josephs into the marketplace to interpret dreams and help companies prosper in the middle of this economic drought. In her role as Vice President for Business His Way Judy helps keep the testimony of Jesus alive in the world of commerce and politics.

Business His Way Services:
Client Testimony
I truly believe that in order for business owners to operate effectively for such a time as this, cutting edge business intercessors are not only recommended, they’re essential.