In these days of uncertainty and chaos, wouldn’t you like to read a good book about God’s awesome power to save and deliver his children from the bullies of this world?
One of our clients recently faced a legal battle that could have ended her career as a dentist and bankrupt her marriage and finances. Jeff and I had the privilege of mentoring and praying with Dr. Grace during her incredible 2-year ordeal. We witnessed the proceedings in the courtroom and walked with her through every storm that came her way. The relationship that we developed over many months of praying together is the basis for my newest book, Grace on Trial.
Dr. Grace had the perfect dental practice and was loved and respected by almost everyone. She thought life was practically perfect, then discovered something sinister going on in her practice. One awful day a disgruntled former employee accused her of endangering the welfare of children in her care. That was the day everything changed. The legal battle that followed lasted over two years, casting a shadow over her life, nearly ruining her reputation and dental practice.
How Dr. Grace fought her State’s judicial system, refusing to compromise, or agree to false charges, reveals a seriously flawed and broken system. Her battle shines a light on bullies that can be found in the workplace, insurance agencies, court systems, and the media. Instead of cowering in fear, Grace refused to bow her knee to the Goliaths in the land and put her trust in God. Her finances took a devastating hit, and her family went through a massive overhaul, but Grace stood her ground, insisting on her innocence, taking the battle into the courtroom. In the middle of this minefield, she learned a great deal about God’s grace and the power of prayer.
The testimony of how the Lord answered her prayers and brought her through enormous hardship is nothing short of miraculous. God used Grace’s worst nightmare to transform her life and dental practice forever. Grace on Trial is her true story.
Believing in the impossible,
Judy Sullivan

For over 30 years Judy has trained intercessors and led prayer efforts across the United States. Her continuing focus is to raise up and equip prayer teams to shift the culture of the nation and make a way for the end time harvest. She co-founded a ministry in the early 80’s and taught principles of spiritual warfare and pioneered prayer walking efforts. She and her late husband organized and led community-wide concerts of prayer, youth prayer breakfasts and early morning prayer watches which resulted in dramatic changes in their city and many people turning their hearts to the Lord.