Educational Programs:
Business His Way Services offers custom tailored, spiritual-based Christian teachings, classes, and seminars for employers and employees that deal with many facets of Christian living in the home and workplace. Covered topics include: “Principles of Leadership,” “How to Hear From God,” “Prophetic Evangelism,” “Prayer Principles,” “God in the Workplace,” and “Your Job is Your Place of Ministry.”
Our team members have hosted a “God at Work” conference for Christian business leaders and employees. Each conference participant receives a complementary copy of Rich Marshall’s God@Work book, along with other marketplace ministry materials and a complementary lunch. Speakers included Christian business and spiritual leaders from around the country. Ask us how we can organize and coordinate a seminar for your Christian business group.

Business His Way Services:
Client Testimony
I truly believe that in order for business owners to operate effectively for such a time as this, cutting edge business intercessors are not only recommended, they’re essential.