Intercessory Prayer:
Praying for business and ministry leaders is what we do best! In fact, all our other services are built upon the foundation of prayer and intercession.
We provide dedicated intercessors and prayer warriors who go before the throne on your behalf. If it’s important to you, it is important to God. Through prayer and fasting, we stand in the gap and draw spiritual boundaries of protection around all that’s important to you.
It will take committed, dedicated leaders like you working with mature, anointed, and deeply committed prayer warriors to win this battle in the marketplace. We like to compare our role to Aaron and Hur when they helped Moses by holding up his arms during the battle against the Amalekites (Exodus 17:10-13). While you take on the Amalekites in your field, we uphold you in prayer.
Our Intercessors are highly focused and specialized. We take every prayer request seriously and back it up with mountain-moving faith. Each of our intercessors is passionate about seeing your business or ministry thrive and the enemy’s strongholds dismantled and removed. The people we pray for are protected, prayers are answered, and the Lord’s favor guides and directs their every move.
Our Rearguard. In Isaiah 52:12, God is referred to as a Rearguard to the Israelites when they escaped Egyptian bondage. In like manner, our Rearguard Intercessors form a wall of protection that keeps the enemy at bay. They are an anointed prophetic prayer team that stands guard and pray prayers of agreement with power and authority for our clients. Their intercession is like incense before the throne of God.
Fasting breaks the yoke – Does it seem like you are pushing a boulder uphill? Fasting destroys the doubt and unbelief that can hinder our prayer lives and decreases the impact of our flesh while at the same time increasing supernatural faith to believe. We frequently fast while interceding for our clients. In fact, we occasionally recommend corporate fasts in which we participate to achieve breakthroughs in business deals and radical release from destructive cycles (Isaiah 58:6-9). During these periods of prayer and fasting, God often reveals what is holding up your success and the course of action that will lead to your breakthrough.
Our approach to prayer coverage is tailored to the needs of each business, organization, and ministry we support. We will work with you to find the best solution. The size of your organization, the level of spiritual opposition you are encountering, and your finances will help determine the level of prayer coverage you might require. Most of our intercessory prayer services are conducted remotely. However, we offer onsite coverage for special assignments and projects requiring boots on the ground and clients who desire more face-to-face time.
We have multiple levels of service ranging from one to many intercessors, onsite and remote prayer services, and even daily Rearguard intercessory prayer. The levels of support are customizable for various company sizes from less than $1M to over $100M in revenue. Here are some of our more popular packages:
The following are some of the options we currently offer:
- Level 1 – Weekly calls with one client and one intercessor.
- Level 2 – Weekly calls with one client, one intercessor, plus daily coverage by our Rearguard.
- Level 3 – Weekly calls with up to 3 team members and daily prayer coverage by two intercessors.
- Level 4 – Weekly calls with up to 3 team members and two intercessors, plus daily coverage by the Rearguard.
We have several clients who have been with us for more than ten years. We even have clients paying for prayer coverage for other businesses or ministries because of the results they have seen. Simply put, our clients love what we do, and so do we. We would love to show you what we can do for you, too!

Business His Way Services:
Client Testimony
I truly believe that in order for business owners to operate effectively for such a time as this, cutting edge business intercessors are not only recommended, they’re essential.