At the end of 2018, we began to sense a shift taking place in several businesses we support. We had been standing in the gap praying and believing together for months, and the Lord protected them through their many battles. Then suddenly everything that had come against them lost its power. Like the sun breaking through the clouds after a prolonged storm, I began to hear the word, “breakthrough.” I watched as one client after another started to overcome their adversities. Legal battles lost their stronghold, the financial crisis ended, and new contracts started rolling in. Favor accompanied them as they gained ground and their confidence grew. Our prayers were being answered!
In a dream in the early part of 2019, I saw dry leaves piled up everywhere, inside the house and all over the yard. I asked the Lord what the dry leaves meant, and He said, “It’s the end of a season.” I asked Him what that meant, and He said, “The dry spell is over.”
Get Ready for Sudden, Supernatural Forward Movement!
Kathy Jamison, one of our intercessors, sent this prophetic word to us a few weeks ago. It was confirmation that things really are shifting and change is in the air. It is directed to SOZO Services clients, however as with most prophecies, if it speaks to your spirit, grab hold of it!
And I hear the Lord saying, that a SURGE of the Holy Spirit is being released into Sozo Services and all of their clients. This power SURGE will initiate connectivity, productivity, sales, resources, and creative possibilities.
And I decree that the Lord God Almighty will be their SURGE protector. He will protect them as the increase comes. There will be protection over their health, marriages, families, relationships, properties, finances, and their ideas. Nothing will be stolen from them.
But the Lord is quick to remind you, that before the SURGE comes, he would have you PURGE your hearts and become clean before Him. Do whatever it takes to get close to your Savior and Lord. For THIS time is precious and worthy of YOUR time.
And as you begin to PURGE, MERGE your time, with time for God, and you will begin to see the SURGE.
Chuck Pierce once said, “There is a moment when momentum changes.” That will be the SURGE. Respond with faith and call out for God’s presence and mercy. “How you respond will bring forth your miracle”.
So, get ready! Get ready for sudden, supernatural forward movement which will bless your businesses and your lives.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18 (NIV):
You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands, have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
Glory be to God!