Almost 2 years ago I began having words and visions concerning a period of time when our promises would be coming before the Lord to be answered. I saw these words scrolling upward in the heavens. It would be like Christmas for many as answers to prayers would be distributed like gifts. Just this past month I had several words that I believe indicate that this year is pregnant with prophetic promise and fulfillment. But I also heard the Lord say that the time is coming when this season of Christmas gifts Judy Sullivanin the form of answers to certain promises is drawing to a close.
There are steps of faith attached to some of these promises that the Lord is waiting for you to take. For some this will be a defining moment that will bring forth your Isaac and set in motion a chain of events that could bless countless numbers of people. Abraham was told that he would be the Father of many nations, but had no son. Ismael was his attempt to fulfill that promise himself. But when the Lord’s timing was right, Abraham and Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac. “From one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.” (Hebrews 11:11)
Confirming Words
On March 2nd I was praying in the intercessors room at my church with several of the leaders in that department. In a vision I saw a calendar propped up on the seatback of a chair and something like a streak of smoke leaped over it and I heard the words, “leap year”. It’s not leap year according to our calendar, but someone in the group said, “But it is leap year on the Hebrew calendar”.
Then the following evening I had a similar vision while praying in my home. I saw someone leap over a person who was crouching down on the floor. After this vision I decided to do a little research. The Hebrew calendar has 7 leap years during a 19 year cycle, approximately 1 leap year every 3 years. When they have a leap year they add an entire month. It is referred to as a pregnant year and is considered to be a sign that it will be a year of prophetic events being fulfilled. Joni Aimes wrote in her 2014 Shepherds Rod concerning the Hebrew leap year, “I believe it is a “for such a time as this” time – passionately leaping forward into the suddenlies of God”. In a leap year the extra month, Adar I, is added after the month of Shevat and before the month of Adar. Since the month of Adar is doubled in a leap year it is considered the month of double joy. Adar and Adar 1 in the Hebrew calendar occur on February and March this year on our calendar.
I’ve been fasting and praying since the beginning of March seeking specific answers to several very important personal questions. My life was poised to shift in some areas and I needed to hear the Lord clearly and not overreact or make wrong or hasty decisions. At the end of the second week of my fast the answers started rolling in one by one and I knew the Lord was speaking. I had answers concerning where I was to live, answers for my work and ministry and answers about my personal life. It was amazing; I knew exactly what needed to be done and what steps of faith I needed to take. One Saturday morning I did what I felt the Lord wanted me to do and received an unsolicited confirmation almost immediately from a friend who didn’t have a clue what was going on at the time. She said, ”The Lord wants to tell you, Congratulations! You did the right thing. You did exactly what I wanted you to do”.
After that the Lord led me to Revelation 3:3 – “ Remember therefore what you have received and heard; obey it ….” This scripture struck me deep in my spirit and I knew that I needed to move quickly to pull my 501(c)3 ministry out of moth balls and begin working on it again. Additionally I needed to prepare my family for a change. Two other areas that I had been praying about also needed to be addressed.
The next day the Lord opened my eyes to verse 2 of Revelation 3, “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die.” As I read the verse I heard in my spirit, “ Strengthen what remains and is about to expire” and was reminded of a warranty that was about to run out. We can sabotage our promises with fear and unbelief. When we refuse to do what the Lord asks us to do we can forfeit or stall the promise. There may only be a tiny ember of life left in a promise that has been slowly dying for years. God is a God of second chances and it’s time for promises to be fulfilled! So repent for unbelief, sin or disobedience and fan the fires of faith and hope again.
At 3 AM on March 8th, I was awakened by the words of a nursery rhyme ringing in my spirit: “Hickory, dickory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse ran down, hickory, dickory, dock.” The words in the rhyme are meant to sound like the ticking and chiming of a clock. Again I was reminded that there is a time when promises are meant to be fulfilled. The clock is ticking and the time for their fulfilment is now.
The following day, March 9th, was the beginning of daylight savings time, when we set our clocks forward one hour. We typically refer to this as “springing forward”. I believe this also speaks of leaping forward into our prophetic promises.
All of these words and visions took place within a very short period of time while I was seeking the Lord specifically about things in my life that were hanging in the balance. Two weeks prior to these words I had a vivid dream and woke up singing a new song. The words to the song were this repeating phrase: “Ten gorgeous years”. I saw friends walking together with their arms linked and they were singing this song in perfect harmony and taking very long strides together. They were smiling and very happy. I believe that the next ten years will be beautiful years, like gifts from heaven. People will begin walking together and taking great strides forward. I believe there will be unprecedented favor and gifts as people link arms and walk together in happy expectation. I don’t know what happens after the 10 gorgeous years, but we don’t want to waste this incredible opportunity.
It’s true that in this world there will be trouble, but the Lord has overcome the world! Even in times of great darkness, we will rise and shine in the midst of it all. There are promises that are meant to be ours to carry into this new season. These promises will play an important role in the coming years. My encouragement to you is to seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. He is ready to answer your prayers, just open your hearts and believe, take a giant step of faith and receive. This is the hour of the fulfilment of your dreams. This is the time of double joy, pregnant with the promise of prophetic fulfillment!!

For over 30 years Judy has trained intercessors and led prayer efforts across the United States. Her continuing focus is to raise up and equip prayer teams to shift the culture of the nation and make a way for the end time harvest. She co-founded a ministry in the early 80’s and taught principles of spiritual warfare and pioneered prayer walking efforts. She and her late husband organized and led community-wide concerts of prayer, youth prayer breakfasts and early morning prayer watches which resulted in dramatic changes in their city and many people turning their hearts to the Lord.