In the years that I have been interceding for marketplace leaders I’ve witnessed many great success stories. I’ve seen businesses that are barely getting by miraculously turn around and achieve tremendous breakthrough and I’ve watched as large contracts that have been sitting idle for years suddenly kick into gear. It is an awesome thing to watch God step in and take a company out of financial struggles and employee issues and put them squarely into a place of blessing and favor.
People often come to us hoping to find an anointed intercessor who can quickly turn their small struggling business into a highly profitable enterprise by their prayers and petitions. Unfortunately there isn’t a magic formula that can make a business into an overnight success. Just as it takes great wisdom and skill in the natural to be a prosperous business, it takes great wisdom from the Lord to know where the hidden issues lie that are keeping a business from thriving. The list of concerns often includes employee issues, mounting debt, legal problems and boardroom disputes. Sometimes the Lord brings adjustment to the vision or deliverance from debilitating debt and other times He simply teaches His children how to walk in His ways and trust Him more.
Wisdom is a gift that we must seek as if it were the greatest treasure on the earth. “How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!” (Proverbs 16:16)
I have found that the people who are the most successful are those who tend to their business affairs with Godly wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He has answers to complex problems and solutions to impossible situations. He can repair broken contracts, reveal hidden formulas, extend deadlines, and even turn the stock market around. Nothing is beyond His reach.
So why do we pray for people on the business mountain? It’s simple, the Lord looks for someone to stand in the gap and pray on behalf of those who cannot pray for themselves. Often the issues are so complex that business owners do not have the strength left to pray mountain moving prayers. To compound matters, the wisdom of the Lord eludes them because of real life demands for their time and attention. Our job is to pray for them daily, remind them of their true mission and help them search for wisdom like hidden treasure and find the knowledge of God! (Proverbs 2:3-4)
If you haven’t dedicated your business to the Lord yet, here’s a simple prayer you can use.
This day we dedicate our business to Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Our business belongs to You Lord and exists for Your purposes. We place all of our works of service on the altar of Your grace and ask that You bring life, purpose and direction to the affairs of our business. May Your favor rest here and bring us into our divinely appointed time. We pray that all of the gifts and blessings that have been stored up for us be released into our hands now. Let Wisdom be our daily guide so that all will know that the Lord is in charge here. May every officer, employee, contractor, vendor and client come under the blessings and favor that You have given us. From this day forward we will seek to bring You the honor and glory due Your Name. In the mighty name of Jesus, AMEN!

For over 30 years Judy has trained intercessors and led prayer efforts across the United States. Her continuing focus is to raise up and equip prayer teams to shift the culture of the nation and make a way for the end time harvest. She co-founded a ministry in the early 80’s and taught principles of spiritual warfare and pioneered prayer walking efforts. She and her late husband organized and led community-wide concerts of prayer, youth prayer breakfasts and early morning prayer watches which resulted in dramatic changes in their city and many people turning their hearts to the Lord.