Miracles are taking place in the marketplace! God is not only changing the way Christian’s do business; He is changing our understanding of how to pray powerful, effective prayers on their behalf.
The Lord answers our prayers in a multitude of ways. Most of our clients are richly blessed, profoundly changed, delivered and set free. We don’t always know how or what to expect, but in this ministry, I’ve had the opportunity to watch and ask, why some turn around quickly and others change more slowly.
Wouldn’t you like to know the secret to success and prosperity? Wouldn’t it be great to know the formula that would help people enjoy all the blessings that the Lord intends for them to have as Kingdom people? Fruitfulness is determined by many factors including the timing and seasons of growth. We need those who plant and water, but God is the one who brings the increase!
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-8)
The Edge of Breakthrough!
As an intercessor, I stand in the gap on behalf of others. Intercession is a form of prayer that can radically change circumstances and events. We can intercede for individuals, people groups, and entire nations. In this role, I’ve watched the Lord change circumstances and situations, but not always in the same way.
Some of our clients seem to be on the edge of a breakthrough. It’s as if the Lord had determined to bless them and He was just waiting for them to believe and receive His promises. One of our clients, whose business was struggling, decided to “go big or go home.” When she decided to go big, she reached out to us, and when we started praying together, her turnaround was nearly immediate. These are the transformations we love to see.
Some clients excel promptly, their income increases, impossible doors open, and opportunities spring up all around. Others experience slow, incremental changes. We help them identify areas that need to come back into alignment with Biblical principles, repent when needed, break agreement with fear and doubt, and start blessing instead of cursing their business. Adjustments are often needed in the way they do business too. Through prayer and counsel and a great deal of God’s grace, the walls that hold them back slowly begin to crumble and their business starts to turn around. It’s always a marvel to watch the different ways God moves in every situation.
Secrets to Success
We have noticed that those who turn around and do well, whether it happens fast or slow, have several things in common that set them apart from those who struggle.
- They are good stewards of their business primarily in the areas of time management and finances
- They are teachable and open to correction and change
- They are generous to their employees, their communities, churches, and ministries
- They see the value in their employees and treat them with respect. They pray for them and compensate them the way they would want to be compensated
- They are sold out lovers of God, spending time in prayer and growing daily in faith
- Their business isn’t an idol or a way to fame and fortune; they see it as the Lord’s business and a vehicle to serve Him and bless others
These are just a few of the things that I have noticed as an intercessor who prays for business owners. For more insight on how to transform your business into a kingdom business, I highly recommend the book Kingdom Business Success, by Jeff Ahern.

For over 30 years Judy has trained intercessors and led prayer efforts across the United States. Her continuing focus is to raise up and equip prayer teams to shift the culture of the nation and make a way for the end time harvest. She co-founded a ministry in the early 80’s and taught principles of spiritual warfare and pioneered prayer walking efforts. She and her late husband organized and led community-wide concerts of prayer, youth prayer breakfasts and early morning prayer watches which resulted in dramatic changes in their city and many people turning their hearts to the Lord.